1974: Peace, Love, Minis
We’re turning back time to bring you artisan miniatures infused with a groovy 70s flare.
Our “e-catalog” is an environmentally friendly way to view the current print version of our dollhouse miniatures catalog. Our e-format is extremely “shoppable”—you can turn pages and click directly through to an individual item by clicking on its item number.
Use left and right arrows < > in the middle of the screen on either side or the arrows in the middle of the bottom black bar to change the pages forward or backward.
Click on the magnifying glass in the bottom left corner of the screen to enlarge a page. Once enlarged, hold your mouse arrow or finger on the catalog page to move the page around. Click magnifying glass again to decrease the screen page view.
To shop a product, simply move your mouse or finger on top of the item number for the product and click. It will take you to the product page on the website to learn more or to purchase.
To receive our latest printed catalog, click the button below and fill out the form. (Please note that we only mail our catalog to the United States. For our international customers, please add item #9026 miniatures.com Catalog to your cart with your order to receive a catalog with your next order shipment.)
You should receive your catalog within two to three weeks. Please do not submit your information more than once, as this will slow the delivery process. If you have not received your catalog within five weeks, please contact support@miniatures.com.
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