A Little of This, A Little of That

Posted by Fran Casselman on 19th Apr 2017

We just finished doing the cover shot for the Summer 2017 catalog, this time featuring the finished exterior of the Boho Retreat, my version of the 2017 Creatin’ Contest kit, #92017.

While we had everything set up, I thought it might be fun to show you a little behind-the-scenes for that process – especially since it’s probably a bit like what all our contest entrants will be looking at when they take their entry photos. You’ll have to wait for the full post, but here’s a sneak peek...

Like many of you, I had so many ideas for this kit but didn’t have time to make them happen. Since I couldn’t, maybe you will want to. For example, the clerestory area (above the flat roof) actually has room for a third hinged window, #82016. Another option for that area is a pair (or trio!) of single windows, #5004. The openings need a little adjustment for that, but it is a great look. That’s only two ideas, just for this area.

Remember, just because it comes with the kit doesn’t mean you have to use it!

And while we’re talking about windows, I came up with a really easy method for perfect interior trim (it works for doors, too!). Just click here for detailed, printable directions.

Finally, I know I said we would move on from the 2016 Creatin’ Contest, but there has been an exciting development: American Miniaturist magazine will be featuring some of our winners! The first will be in the June issue, with more to come later in the summer. Here's a link to the American Miniaturist magazine's website. Check them out!