Valentine Gift Exchange

Crafty extras:

The roses are wrapped in repurposed plastic. The plastic was conveniently in the shape of a tube and of a diameter to fit the bouquet. Arrange the bouquet as desired and secure the stems with tape. Place the bouquet in the tube and secure the plastic around the stems with tape. Trim off excess plastic and about 1/4" off the stem length.

To make the Tiffany box, cut a 1/4" length off a wood strip (#17522). Cover the resulting cube with a teal colored Post-it sheet. Use a small amount of craft glue where necessary to make sure the paper completely covers the cube. Wrap the box with two strips of white ribbon and secure them to the underside. Make the bow separately then glue it on top of the box. Wrapping the bow around two tongs of a fork can help with size and stability.

The Herringbone Flooring (#7456) was stained with Grey Age-It Easy (#80873)

Recreate this scene with these items.

Note: some items in the photo may not be currently available and will need to be substituted.